Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm Back!

After (ahem!) a 2 year hiatus, I have decided it's time to get back out in the blogging world! On the off chance you had visited my blog previously and are asking yourself, "Hey, where's the Olive Costume?" don't worry... at heart, part of me will always be the girl from "Life from the Olive Costume." However, that title didn't allow for much growth (or motivation) for me to keep writing, so I'm changing it up! Welcome to "Stories to Tell."

I love stories of all kinds--books, movies, Grandpa's tales, friends' adventures, poems, song lyrics--and I truly believe that each one of us is a story that is being written day-by-day by the Author and Finisher of our faith. I was recently at a seminar with my sister-in-law where one of the speakers quoted part of Psalm 107: "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their stories." The Lord completely took my breath away with those words, reminding me of the simple truth that each one of us is intricately made and loved by the God of the Universe. For those of us who have come to know the saving grace of Christ, the fact that we have been bought with a price and adopted into a relationship with the King of Kings is the most beautiful story we can ever tell. How can I not share my story and the story of those around me? Let's show the majesty of our Father by being storytellers!

My good friend Emily Tuttle recently finished up an eleven month adventure where she traveled to eleven countries with a group of likeminded friends through a ministry called The World Race to share and show the love of Christ with those they met. I've always known Emily was an amazingly talented writer, but along her journey, the Lord showed her just how gifted she is in using her talents to tell stories to further the Kingdom.  I'm so proud of her and how she has obeyed the Lord's direction in her life. Emily recently posted this quote from Andy Fraenkel that I am completely in love with (I hope you don't mind me "stealing" this, Em!): 

"Sacred stories are those of transformation, 
they are stories that draw us closer to the Lord, 
and they help us to see our connection to all things. 
There's a saying in the Jewish tradition that the shortest 
distance between a human and God is through a story. 
So if storytelling is a journey, sacred storytelling is a pilgrimage—
a pilgrimage to a place called Hope." 

My hope is that this blog can be a place where stories of the redeemed can be told. And, don't worry, it can be a place where we can all laugh at the newest adventures (and misadventures) I've been on!